Bird Installation

We wanted to do a piece that addressed the impact of plastic on our planet and the albatross became our icon!

Mural in Austin, NV

From This Valley…They Say We Are From

Mosaic Mania

A collaboration between a local business and a high school can generate great things. Students were asked to design a logo for a candy company and then fill it in with their candy.

The Plastic Footprint Project

The Plastic Footprint Project

Raising awareness through collaborative art projects

Check out this amazing community art project! A group of teenagers wanted to raise awareness about the problems with single-use plastics in our environment by creating a sculpture. We decided on a giant foot of plastic water bottles stepping on the Earth, leaving a huge footprint. At the local Farmer’s Market we invited other community members to join us.

Summer of Sustainability, University of Nevada, Reno 2014

Reno High School students collected plastic bottles from campus, cut them up and strung them like garland to create a massive curtain!

What do Children and Monkey’s Have in Common?

Sock Monkeys and residents of The Children’s Hospital go together like chocolate and peanut butter.

Empty Bowls Project

Artists often help change and give back to their communities. We have enjoyed instigating this power of giving back with many of students by collaborating with them to build “Empty Bowls Projects Events”.

2025 © Copyright - Artemisia Tridentata