Summer of Sustainability, University of Nevada, Reno 2014

Reno High School students collected plastic bottles from campus, cut them up and strung them like garland to create a massive curtain!

UNR Knowledge Center (KC) hosts art from all area high schools that uses recycled, repurposed materials!

Student volunteers then drove the massive garlands (20′ tall strands) and hung them in the window of the Knowledge Center at UNR with spectacular results.

Students from Washoe County are afforded the opportunity to create art that raises awareness of garbage!

Before a fabulous career in teaching, Miss Molly got to make molds of the Colombian Mammoth burial site. She kept those molds and we hooked up with a former student- Teddy of CrafTed (concrete extraordaire) and cast a vertebrae. The intention being to make a bench for the Gerlach School to enjoy.

Teddy from CrafTed – a local, Northern Nevadan, Concrete artist!  We just finished casting one of Molly’s molds from her dig out on the Black Rock desert.  It’s a Columbian Mammoth vertabrae.

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